It starts with a prerequisite set of beliefs

For you to inspire action, prospects or clients must believe you:

  • Understand them

  • Validate their feelings and thoughts

  • Are genuinely interested in forging a partnership with them

It often takes pivotal moments for a prospect’s or client’s virtual light to turn on and inspire them to act. As an advisor, using certain words and phrases can help increase the likelihood of these moments of inflection occurring.

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Favorite words and phrases to help inspire action

Here are a few of our favorites to consider adding to your vocabulary and conversations:


Hands down, the best word in the English language for inspiring action, because it clearly communicates collaboration.


Provides a low-risk way for someone to visualize the possibilities that could result from your recommendations.

"One small step"
"One small step"

Long-term goals can appear less daunting and more achievable if broken up into smaller steps.


The second-best word for communicating collaboration.

"We don't need to be all right or all wrong"
"We don't need to be all right or all wrong"

This phrase can inspire partial action when a prospect or client appears anxious.

"My goal is for us to work together"
"My goal is for us to work together"

Reinforces the notion of collaboration.

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Bottom Line

Including certain words and phrases in your conversations can help you inspire prospects and clients to take actions that are in their best interests.



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